
Early Signs of Pregnancy

Early Signs of Pregnancy:

Pregnancy triggers various changes in the female body, leading to different symptoms. Not everyone experiences all symptoms, but here are some common signs:

1. Missed Period:
 A missed period is a common indicator of pregnancy if there has been recent intercourse. However, if there was no intercourse, a missed period might be due to factors like:
   - Anovulation
   - Irregular cycles
   - Stress
   A period is considered missed if it's delayed by 5 days.

2. Nausea and Vomiting:
 Often referred to as "morning sickness," this can occur at any time of day and typically begins between the fourth and sixth week of pregnancy.

3. Fatigue:
 Unexplained tiredness may be a sign of pregnancy, caused by a significant increase in the hormone progesterone.

4. Food Cravings and Aversion:
 Increased cravings for certain foods and a dislike for foods previously enjoyed can indicate pregnancy. Some women may even crave non-food items like soil or paper.

5. Vaginal Discharge:
 Discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle. It is usually slippery and more abundant during ovulation and decreases as the period approaches. During pregnancy, discharge tends to be egg white in consistency and more slippery.

Since some of these symptoms overlap with pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS), it's best to confirm pregnancy with a home pregnancy test, which can be purchased at pharmacies.

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