
Certificate Verification Forces Many Nigerian Nurses in UK, US to Return Home

Certificate Verification Forces Many Nigerian Nurses in UK, US to Return Home 


The sudden deactivation of the verification portal by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria in February has thrown numerous Nigerian nurses and midwives working abroad into chaos.

Currently, healthcare workers are facing challenges in renewing their licenses and fulfilling the regulatory requirements set by international bodies.

As a result, some nurses who lack the necessary verification from the NMCN find themselves violating visa conditions and employment laws, leading to legal repercussions.

Many nurses abroad, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States, have been compelled to return to Nigeria due to this issue.

One nurse, who requested anonymity to avoid ridicule, shared his experience. He had been excited to join a prestigious healthcare organization in the UK, known as the UK Trust, bringing his skills to the country’s medical community after relocating from Nigeria in September 2023.

However, his hopes were dashed when the verification portal was deactivated by the council.

He recounted completing a series of exams and navigating the complex process of document checks, with only his pin as a registered nurse remaining to be obtained from the verification portal.

Desperate to fix the issue, he reached out to the NMCN for help but was informed that their policy prohibited any further verification while the portal was closed.

The UK Trust, adhering to its policies, reportedly terminated his employment due to his failure to meet the certification requirements.

He stated, “The situation is not only disheartening but also feels suicidal. My career is stagnating because the portal is closed. I’m now back in Nigeria. I have visited the nursing council several times, urging them to send a letter of good standing, which would be recognized, but my efforts have been in vain.

“Meanwhile, the court case against the council regarding the verification process has been withdrawn, yet the portal remains closed. This issue has affected many others who chose not to speak up. In the coming weeks, many nurses may return to this country to either take drastic actions or start anew.”

Another concerned nurse, who identified herself only as Ovie, shared her worries. She stated that without completing her verification, she would be unable to become a registered nurse, creating uncertainty about her future.

“I am a registered nurse from Nigeria, and I moved to the UK in February this year to pursue a nursing top-up program to become a UK-registered nurse. My initial plan was to complete my verification process while studying so I could work part-time to pay tuition fees and support myself.

“Unfortunately, just before I arrived, the NMCN suspended the verification for nurses, which has hindered my registration process.

“What initially appeared to be a temporary maintenance issue has turned into months of uncertainty, with no clear timeline for when the verification process will resume. This ongoing suspension makes it difficult to navigate my studies, future career plans, and overall stay in the UK.

“The delay in the verification process has major implications for me. Without completing my verification, I cannot become a registered nurse in the UK, limiting my job opportunities and affecting my financial stability, which leaves my future in doubt as my studies come to an end,” she explained.

The nurse expressed concern that she faced deportation due to the verification delays.

She stated, “My student visa will expire soon, and without the ability to work as a nurse, I am at risk of having to return to Nigeria or seeking alternative means to remain in the UK.”

Another nurse, also speaking anonymously for fear of intimidation, shared her journey to the UK, fueled by her passion for nursing. Unfortunately, she is experiencing the same hurdle—the closure of the verification portal.

This closure has prevented her from scheduling her Computer-Based Test (CBT), leaving her stuck in limbo.

“I traveled to the UK last year (not as a registered nurse) and passed my English test this January. However, I have not been able to take the CBT due to the closure of the verification portal,” she said.

A nurse based in Saudi Arabia, identified as Hannah, stated she moved to the country in 2023 to practice as a nurse, but her future has become uncertain.

She confessed that the burden of the situation was heavily weighing on her.

As the impending threat of deportation looms over her life, Hannah shared her feelings of frustration and despair.

NANNM Reacts

Speaking with our correspondent, Michael Nnachi, the President of the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives, stated that the group has engaged with the government on several issues, including the reopening of the verification portal.

He mentioned that a committee has recently been formed to review ongoing discussions.

“If we don’t receive a positive response soon, I can’t predict what will happen next. We have made it clear that we are working with the government. I can’t provide an exact timeline for when we might hear back—whether tomorrow or the day after—but I remain hopeful. I prefer to stick to what I am authorized to communicate.

“I urge our affected members to be patient. We are genuinely concerned about the difficulties they are experiencing, and we do not take this situation lightly. However, patience is necessary at this time. Furthermore, even when agreements are made with the government, they often fail to follow through on their commitments. Still, I remain optimistic and anticipate a positive response from the government. There is hope.”

The Deputy National President of the association, Abubakar Shehu, expressed frustration over the delay in activating the verification portal.

“There are many complexities surrounding this portal, and we are genuinely unhappy about the situation. We are not the only health professionals leaving Nigeria; doctors, pharmacists, and lab scientists are also migrating. So, why are only nurses being affected?

“We have conducted several meetings with the Registrar of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) and visited the Ministry of Health to speak with the Minister. It was clearly communicated that we are critical stakeholders and should have been consulted before the decision was made to close the portal. You should have engaged with us so we could discuss these matters. There are many nurses and midwives outside the labor market who are still unemployed. You cannot deny someone employment while also preventing them from seeking better opportunities elsewhere. That’s not how it works.”

Shehu mentioned that the NMCN registrar recently assured them that the portal would be opened soon.

“The registrar has promised that the portal will be opened, and we are waiting to see that happen. He gave us this assurance last week,” he added.

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